Phil Thompson, PhD

Write teaching philosophy here...
Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal Articles:
Thompson, P.S., Bolino, M.C., Norris, K.R., & Kuo, S.-T. (in press). Follower Curiosity and Leader Perceptions of Follower Insubordination and Likability: The Importance of Follower Political Skill and Constructive Curiosity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Article Link
Thompson, P.S., & Klotz, A.C. (2022). Led by Curiosity and Responding with Voice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
*Lyddy, C.J., *Good, D.J., Bolino, M.C., Thompson, P.S. & Stephens, J.P. (2021). The Costs of Mindfulness at Work: The Moderating Role of Mindfulness in Surface Acting, Self-Control Depletion, and Performance Outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(12), 1921-1938.
Thompson, P. S., Bergeron, D. M. & Bolino, M. C. (2020). No Obligation? How Gender Influences the Relationship Between Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(11), 1338-1350.
Thompson, P. S., & Bolino, M. C. (2018). Negative Beliefs about Accepting Coworker Help: Implications for Employee Attitudes, Job Performance, and Reputation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(8), 842-866.
Bergeron, D.M., & Thompson, P.S. (2020). Speaking Up at Work: The Role of Perceived Organizational Support in Explaining the Relationship Between Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Voice Behavior. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56(2), 195-215.
Business Press Articles and Research Profiles:
Wall Street Journal: When a Male Boss Wants New Ideas, Employees Respond. A Female Boss? Not So Much.
Fortune Magazine: Curious bosses will generate a different reaction among employees depending if you’re male or female, study finds.
Lyddy, C.J., Good, D.J., Bolino, M.C., Thompson, P.S., & Stephens, J.P. (2021). Where Mindfulness Falls Short. Harvard Business Review,
Bolino, M.C., & Thompson, P.S. (2018). Why We Don't Let Coworkers Help Us, Even When We Need It. Harvard Business Review,